Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Back to Blogging!!

Look who's back! Thought I'd get the blog fired back up again since I'm on our laptop more often.  Still working through some tech issues but wanted to stick this pic up from Safety Day out at April Sound this past weekend. The twins had a blast and my mom was so nice to come over and keep Cole at our house while we were checking out all the fun stuff.  Hope to get more pics and regular blog posts going from now on.

There's always something going on at Casa de Chaos!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bigger than Big!

Coley Poley turned 3 months old just two days ago....guess how much this joker weighs? 2o lbs. Did you get that? TWENTY. POUNDS.

Cole wears a size 5 diaper as of today and all of his clothes are now size 12 months. The size 4 diapers began to resemble a string bikini on his hips and were leaking so he was bumped up a size this afternoon. Hailey and Mason also wear size 5's so now we'll be able to buy the same size diapers and not have to keep Cole's diapers separate from the twins.

I'm in love with his fat rolls at his ankles. I did not know ankle rolls were possible if one was not a lymph edema patient.

Enjoying his usual 8 ozs of Enfamil AR with 2 tbsp of rice cereal.

Cole loves to hang out on his changing pad and kick and coo!
Mason and Cole watching Toy Story early one morning.

You can see how long Cole is when sitting nest to Mason. To think these two are 20 months apart is scary...Cole is gigantic!

Mason, Cole and Hailey...the best little nuggets ever!

Big sister and her littlest brother.

Buzz and Woody being enjoyed by all.

Mammies (Casey's mom) brought up a good question today, too. How high do diaper sizes go? Surely we won't have a 6 month old wearing Pull-ups or even worse...Depends for adults? At this rate, Mason will be getting hand-me-downs from Cole in the not so distant future.

In other Team Turner news...Hailey and Mason turned 23 months old today...hope to post about that tomorrow. Still trying to process that our youngest may be headed toward a career in sumo wrestling. Until then we'll be trying to locate Cole's neck, wrists and ankles.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Post o' Pics

Had a (rare) few spare moments and thought and I'd get our blog updated with some pics. Just a mix of all three Turner nuggets and what they've been up to.

Dr. Westmoreland and Coley Poley. This was 2 weeks after he was born. I'm telling you there is not a better OB-GYN in the world!

Hailey all bundled up during our cold weather spell.

Mason in his warm clothes...of course a paci helps to prevent chapped lips.

Hailey has her daddy wrapped around her finger...I noticed a strange accessory on his right wrist while he was feeding Cole one day.

Then I noticed a second one on his left wrist.

Looks like someone was playing dress up with his sweet girl before feeding Cole. I don't know of any other daddies that would wear scrunchie bracelets for their little girls. Too funny!!!

Our cleaning crew....and Mason biting on razor (without razor blades...I'm not that crazy!)

Morning chores...Mason and his beloved vacuum.

Hailey missing one of her crocs.

Love that girl's smiley face!

Mason and his fire boots - an everyday event.

Pants off - dance off time...running laps through the house.

America's next top model...doodlebug!

Here comes T-R-O-U-B-L-E!

Such a poser...she knows that smile can get her out of so much trouble!

Hailey and Mason using their drums to check on Cole.

The Turner Threesome.

Even supermodels get tired of having their picture taken. First Hailey hurled the giraffe at me...see it flying through the air.

I got the hint of "no more pics, Mom" after she tossed the ball my way. Sometimes the papparazzi are too much for even this little diva.

Mason lost his legs in the couch cushions...he thought this was VERY funny!

Dining al fresco.

Brother and sister sharing breakfast and holding hands.

Sugars....so sweet. This happens quite often everyday...and then there are the shoving matches, too!

Hailey in her Zsa Zsa Gabor outift at IPC.

Our sad Christmas tree. The bottom half couldn't be decorated b/c of little hands and I never got a chance to decorate the top or put the star on. Maybe next year!
We go play at McyD's on Friday mornings when our housekeeper comes. Good, free indoor fun!

Driving the firetruck at McyD's in Montgomery.

So proud they got to the top all by themselves.

The kids had a playdate with Wyatt. Of course Hailey knew she needed to win him over with her cooking.

Wyatt taking it all in - I'm sure he thought the noise and toys were out of control. :)

Lunch break.

Hailey dropped her popsicle and Wyatt being the gentleman he is, picked it up and gave it back to her. Mason would have picked it up and ran away to eat it.

Coon skin hat and googles...everyday accessories at Casa de Chaos.

Playing the drums with Wyatt...not sure why we weren't wearing pants at this point - lol!
Cole Poley - this whopper of a baby was in the 97th percentile for weight (15.4 lbs) and 90th percentile for length (24 in.) at his 2 month well visit. At 9 weeks he's wearing all 9 MONTHS clothes. He is our buddah baby and is getting bigger and sweeter everyday.

Mason after his first encounter with an Oreo. Notice the forehead crusties...and this was a MINI-oreo.

Daddy and Cole napping - love my boys!

Hailey enjoying some of Mammies homemade pound cake while the boys nap.

Mason figured out how to climb Hailey's kitchen - she just keeps on cooking when this happens. She knows little brothers are pests already.

Mason-man busted for standing in the sink...again.

Now that Hailey is loving to ride on "Rooty Toot" the twins fight over him - always fun to hear.

Our resident nudist reaching for his favorite "no-no" - the remote.

Nothing better than a little bare-butt Barney watching.

First taste of Big Red. This allowed us to experience silence for about 45 seconds...bliss!

And then they switched cups to make sure one wasn't getting something better/different than the other.

The twins had another playdate with Tate...again Hailey knew the way to a boys heart is through his stomach. I think she was making Tate some waffles.

Mason loves his little brother. He helps feed, burp and hold Cole all the time. He loves to give him sugars and gets upset if Cole gets fussy when he's hungry. These two will be thick as thieves, no doubt.
Hailey and Cole having some quite time together...it doesn't get any better than seeing Hailey and Mason being so sweet with their brother.

More cuddle time on the activity mat.
Mason with his fireman airpack, paci and swiffer. This is how he pretends to be Eddie, our yard guy. The swiffer and airpack are his version of the leaf blower...Eddie doesn't wear a paci though.
I forgot to lock the pantry door one day and found Mason hiding in there and chewing on something. This is how I found the bread...he was still munching on the plastic wrapper but had swallowed the bread. We also lost a couple of potatoes after he bit through the plastic bag on them, too. I promise I feed my children.

Brothers on the boppy.

The stoller is for Hailey's dolls but you can't convince Mason its not for him.

For Valentine's Day Daddy got Hailey a dozen roses and a very sweet card. This girl knows how to work her Poppi - with those kisses she can get anything she wants.

Smelling the pretty roses. One day he'll be giving roses to someone besides me and Hailey.

Hailey "hiding" behind her rose. They both had a great time playing with their flowers on Valentine's Day.

Our roses, my card, Daddy's card and Hailey's card. Mason was treated to peanut M&Ms for the first time rather than flowers or a card.

Enjoying the first cake we baked together after nap time. Life is sweet!