- Babies weigh about 9 ounces and measure 5.5 to 6.5 inches (from crown to rump)
- Babies are the size of a small cantaloupe
- Myelin sheaths are developing on their nerves
- Epidermis and dermis are both forming
The babies movements have definitely increased over the past week. I can easily distinguish which one is moving and where they are located. Baby A seems to be the most active now, originally I rarely felt Baby A - now the movements last long enough that I can feel them from the outside with my hand, too.
Friday I felt pretty poor and could only describe the feeling as a hangover. After work I went to the station to see Casey and he took my blood pressure, it was pretty high. He sent me home and had me take my blood sugar which was also the highest its ever been. I took my blood sugar reading several more times that night and it eventually fell back down to a normal range. I didn't eat anything crazy over Christmas (not a big sweet eater) or feel stressed. Luckily, the rest I got Friday night seemed to help and my readings were all normal on Saturday. The blood sugar and blood pressure tests will be have to be a daily occurrence according to Dr. W. Hopefully it was just a weird day and won't happen again.
We had a great Christmas Day and of course the babies racked in lots of presents. Casey and I both got new cameras, but failed to take any pictures while visiting with family. Posting pictures will be my next goal...promise!!! Hope everyone had a great holiday and enjoyed the day as much as we did.