Monday, April 27, 2009

Hospital Pictures

Here are a lot of photos from our stay in the hospital. As a new mom with the cutest babies ever, I was unable to leave any of them out. We are so in love with our babies!
Disclaimer: The crochet hats worn by Hailey and Mason were not of our choosing. The babies were orignally given semi-cute striped hats to wear (as seen in the OR pics), however the nurses couldn't tell Hailey and Mason apart without checking their sex. Now that we're home they wear much cuter hats for head warmth.

Casey getting ready for delivery
First sight of Hailey

Mommy, Hailey and Mason

Proudest and most handome Daddy Ever!

On the way to the warmer

Daddy watching over his babies

Close up of hand holding - BFFs!

Daddy looking at his kiddos

Mason feeding on boppie

Hailey in bassinett

Mason feeding on boppie

Kia holding Mason

Anna and Kia with the Turner Twins

Jackie and Mason

Mason peeking with Hailey


Mason whispering secrets to Hailey

Grammie and Hailey

Mason's favorite sleep position - snuggled in his sister's ear/neck

Juli and Mason

Nose to nose and heart to heart

Scott, Robin and Mason

Casey and Aunt Karen with the babies

Aunt Karen playing with Mason

A very tired Mommy with her babies

Night night

A very tired Daddy holding his new buddies

Our hospital room

Our door marker

Diaper wreath made by Grammie (Casey's mom)

Mommy and her babies after nap time - terrible pic - but gotta love those babies!

Dr. Westmoreland and her most recent deliveries

Casey and Hailey

Sweet Boy!

Getting ready to head home!

Gotta Love Wal-Mart and Daddy!

Its a little past 2 am and Casey is on his way home from Wal-Mart. We're struggling with spit-up issues from Mason. We're changing formulas and Daddy went to go get our new formula. Hopefully this will lessen the volcanic eruptions we're getting from Mason.

How sweet is this face?

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hailey and Mason's Birth Story (Long Posting)

Time goes quickly when your day is divided into 3 hour intervals. Casey and I often feel like zombies but when one of the babies coos or grunts all the exhaustion seems to melt away for a moment. We're working on getting our routine down. The babies have their days and nights confused. I thought that while Daddy made bottles and the babies slept I'd get their birth story posted.

Thursday, April 16 I had my regular weekly appointment with Dr. W. Casey and I stopped by a little cafe in Conroe for a quick lunch before heading down to The Woodlands. We got lots of stares and looks as we maneuvered from the parking lot into the restaurant and eventually to a table. Sitting at the table was very uncomfortable due to the size of my stomach. While eating I commented to Casey that this could be our last meal before we became parents. We were both hopeful that Dr. W would be ready to take the babies, but after the false alarms the prior week we weren't holding our breath.

At Dr. W's office my blood pressure was pretty high (154/111). My hands and feet were enormous and I had a headache. I had intended on taking something for my head in the car, however I dropped the pill bottle on the floor and there was no way I could bend over and retrieve it. The babies looked and sounded great while we did the non stress test and Dr. W said she'd like to schedule a C-section for the following Monday. I calmly explained that I was hoping for something TODAY! She then decided to check my cervix to see where I was as far as dilation. I hadn't been feeling a lot of contractions so I figured I might be 3 cm at the most. I'm not sure if she was more surprised or we were when she said I was dilated to a 5! That pretty much ended our discussion and she sent us the hospital to start prepping for my C-section. By this time it was around 3:30 and my C section was scheduled for 4:30 pm. Casey and I had very little time to notify family and friends and get to the hospital before the fun would begin.

The prepping for the C-section was good - nothing notable other than my nerves. By this time it had set in that all these months of planning and dreaming were about to end and we'd have our babies later that day. I was still apprehensive about the health of the babies and was prepared to spend many days and nights in the NICU, if needed. Casey was adamant that the babies would be fine and they'd be with us in our room without needing the NICU. Everything moved very quickly and before I knew it it was time to go to the OR. Casey had to wait outside while they did my epidural, walking into the OR by myself felt soooo lonely. It was cold and very scary for a soon to be first time mom. The anesthesiologist was there to greet me. His first question to me was what type of music did I like to listen to. At this point I couldn't have told you my first name so I told him I didn't know what kind of music I liked, since I was unclear as to why it mattered. He asked me if I liked the radio station that was currently playing - then I realized there was indeed a radio playing. If I listened carefully I could hear it over the deafening sound of my heart pounding! I don't recall if it was 104 or 96.5 but I know we had a short conversation about both stations and I told him whatever was playing fine. I really wanted this guy to focus on the task at hand, GIVING ME MY EPIDURAL, not playing DJ!

I got settled on the table and ready for my epidural - this was the scariest part for me. Anything involving the spinal cord freaks me out. It really wasn't bad, there were a few seconds of some pretty crazy pinching and wiggling, but it was much better than I had anticipated. Dr. W had come in by this time and I was feeling more anxious that it was show time and soon after Casey was let in the OR, too.

It didn't take long before Dr. W checked to make sure I wasn't feeling anything and then the C-section was under way. Casey was up by my head with our video camera and digital camera ready for action. Hailey was out and crying before it even hit me what was actually taking place behind the sheet that hung in front of me. She was gorgeous and of course the tears started then. I kept a close eye on her and the NICU team that had been called in to care for the babies. I think I watched the nurses more closely than I did Hailey. I was hoping there facial expressions would tip me off as to anything that was wrong. She was crying and breathing and had all 10 fingers and 10 toes - we were thrilled.

A few minutes later I realized we still had to go through all the same stuff for Mason. It seemed like it had been awhile and that we should have heard or seen Mason, then we heard Dr. W ask for the vacuum. This scared me since I didn't realize vacuums were used in C-sections and I worried that he'd be hurt during the procedure. At the same time I kept watching the nurses gathered around Hailey and tried to determine how she was doing. I finally asked the nurses if they'd be taking her to the NICU and how she was doing. The nurses laughed and said she was very healthy and didn't need to go anywhere. Casey and I were so relieved and I was in complete disbelief! Around the time we were told Hailey was healthy and fine we heard a really loud thud or pop noise and Dr. W hollered out, "Ouch, my head". Casey looked over at me when we heard this and his face and hat were covered in blood. He looked like he was in a scene from "Saving Private Ryan". I asked him what happened to his face and he didn't know there was anything on him. Then Dr. W explained the vacuum had popped off of Mason and had hit her in the head. There was blood on the ceiling and all the lights and equipment, not from Dr. W's head but from the suction of the vacuum. Mason was wedged in my uterus very tightly, but the vacuum worked and soon we heard his joyful crying!

Mason checked out fine too and the babies were born 4 or 5 minutes apart. Hailey will always be his big sister. Once both babies were out the nurses brought them over and took the cameras away from Casey. They took over the filming and picture taking while took in our first few moments as a family. The nurses stamped Casey's scrubs with Hailey and Mason's foot prints and wrote their size and weight on his scrubs. This allowed him to put away his notepad and pen (my Casey is always prepared!) and go tell the news to our family in the waiting area. All he had to do was say the babies were fine and have them read his shirt. I've saved his scrub shirt and I think I'm going to have it framed like a sports jersey and hang it in the nursery. It the neatest thing ever and he was so proud to have both sets of footprints on him and have health babies.

Dr. W finished closing me up while Casey got to take the babies back to the recovery room. Dr. W said everything went well, other than her head interfering with the vacuum. She said Mason may have a bruised head from the suction and a little bit of a black eye, but I never noticed either. Soon I was rolled back into recovery and I got to take in a few moments with my babies and my husband before our very excited family came in. Everyone was so happy to hear that the babies were doing well. Hailey was being monitored for low blood sugar but that was all. My mom and grandmother came in to visit and so did Casey's parents. It was amazing!!! Casey couldn't leave the babies at all. He stayed next to their warmer the entire time until we were taken to our room that evening.

The whole experience was fantastic and I couldn't have imagined a smoother birth. Hailey's blood sugar ended up leveling off and there were no more concerns after that. The babies are the best - they're very calm and mild mannered, unless its time for Mason to eat. Then he becomes a wild man thrashing his head around looking for bottle. Both babies are being bottle fed due to my breast reduction a few years back. The plastic surgeon was very up front about all of milk ducts being cut and that breast feeding would not be an option for me. They've taken to a bottle just fine and to be honest, I couldn't imagine feeding and nursing both babies.

Oh and back to the radio in the OR....before being wheeled out of the OR and back into recovery, the anesthesiologist leaned over and told me, "Just so you know, your babies were born to Taylor Swifts' Romeo and Juliet. I thought that was pretty cool since you were having boy and girl twins". I couldn't have agreed more. I wasn't a Taylor Swift fan before, but now I can't get that song out of my head!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Introducing Hailey and Mason Turner!

I got a few hours of sleep this afternoon and finally found time to post a few birth photos. Enjoy!

Ready for delivery...and scared out of my mind! Not the best photo - but it is what it is! So happy to no longer be pregnant and have my health babies in my arms.
Our first family photo - Hailey on left and Mason on right

Hailey on scale - 6 lbs, 2 oz

Mason on scale - 6 lbs, 1 oz

Holding hands under the warmer. Hailey in pink, Mason in blue. The bear sticker/tube on Hailey's belly is actually a thermometer for the warmer.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Oh Happy Day!

The Turner Twins have finally arrived! Too tired to post pics and labor story now, (no sleep since 5 am yesterday) but I promise they will come soon. Here are their stats:

Hailey Ann Turner - 4/16/09 - 5:07 pm - 6 lbs, 2 oz - 18 and 3/4 inches

Mason Adam Turner - 4/16/09 - 5:11 pm - 6 lbs, 1 oz - 19 and 1/4 inches

Needless to say we're over the moon and the babies couldn't have been healthier! They are so perfect and we are soooo in love! Ugh....hormones made me tear up just typing that - nothing better than 5 days of tears of joy! Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers. You're more than welcome to stop by and see our bundles of joy! My cell phone is dead and I can't find the charger, so you can contact Casey at 936-537-5384 or the house at 936-856-4821.

Thought of the day.....I'm a MOM!!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

No Action...

Still no news to report. I even had Casey haul me to the grocery with him yesterday so that I could walk. It was nice to go somewhere other than the dr's office. Today I threatened to go jump on the neighbor's trampoline. I'm convinced I could go into labor within 2 or 3 toe-touches. Tomorrow afternoon is my weekly appointment. We're anxious to see if I've progressed from the 2-3 cms and 80% effacement that I was at last Thursday.
Today I had about an hour of heavy contractions that were about 5 mins apart, then I realized I hadn't taken my contractions medication this morning - so that was an easy fix. Tomorrow I'll ask if I need to continue to take it since we're really not concerned w/premature labor anymore. If things go my way we won't be coming home tomorrow and we'll just go straight to Labor and Delivery. We're not getting our hopes up since the Turner Twins haven't responded to any of the eviction notices I've posted on my belly!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Just Kidding...No Babies This Week

So my dr's office called and she has moved my next target date to Monday, April 20. So much for this week's plans. She wants me to go until after 36 weeks. I have an appointment this Thursday for my weekly visit and Friday marks 36 weeks. If no action by Thursday I'll be asking to set up something for next Monday.
I no longer fit in the bathtub and walking from one room to another is an excursion for me. Bed rest feels like house arrest and I think even our cats are tired of looking at me! The bright side is the babies will continue to grow and get bigger and I can continue my eBay addiction/nursery shopping. This gives me time to get my pics posted on the blog, too. I think I'll save that for tomorrow. Time for Judge Judy.....groan.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Stick a Fork in Me....

I'm done! I've reached the end of my rope and can go no further. Tomorrow morning, Casey and I will call Dr. W to see when she can fit in my C-section for this week. Its time and we're okay with the decision we've made. Dr. W told me last week that she's 100% on board whenever we're ready. We'll be at 36 weeks this coming Friday, 37 weeks is considered full term for twins. Each
day brings additional changes and obstacles that are harder and harder. As of now even bathing and going to the restroom are "events" and require planning and assistance from Casey. Casey has started his time off from work to help "babysit" me and encourage me to keep going, even if only for another hour. I'm sleeping for 3 hours at most, and that's with the help of Ambien!

My contractions don't seem to be intensifying like we had hoped so we'll see how far along I am after visiting w/Dr. W tomorrow. It was a very, very, very long weekend and we're ready for the next step. There's simply no more room in my uterus. Its been a great run and we're looking forward to meeting our little ones. I'll try and do a quick post on the date and time after talking to Dr. W tomorrow. Hopefully we'll have babies either tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest....can't wait!!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Making Progress

Just a quick update on whats happening at Casa Turner. I went for my ultrasound this past Monday and my weekly appointment Thursday morning w/Dr. W. Everything was good, no problems or contractions. The babies are growing well. Hailey's estimated weight as of Monday was 4 lbs 9 oz. Mason came in at 5 lbs 3 oz. I'm at the miserable point of the pregnancy. Dr. W said that if I can make it to Monday, all I have to do is look at her funny and she'll take the babies. I've made it much further than she expected and by then the babies will be at 35 and half weeks. I'm going to hang on as long as I can, however its getting much harder. Casey and I spent Thursday and Friday evening in the Labor and Delivery triage. I've been having a lot of contractions and uterine irritability. At last check, earlier this evening I was 3 cm dilated and 80% effaced with a ripe cervix. There's no way I'll last until the scheduled C-section on May 4. Casey's thinking the 15th or 16th will be the Turner Twins' birthday.
Dr. W thinks we'll be able to avoid the NICU. If anything, Mason may have to go for a few hours to be observed before joining us in our room. I can totally deal with that. I was dreading a 2-3 week NICU stay and it looks like all the bed rest and additional precautions have gotten us through that part.
I'll try to be more regular in my posts, sometimes I just don't have the energy to log on the computer. Everyone's more than welcome to call or stop by the house. You can reach us 936-856-4821 or 936-537-2426. We've really appreciated all of the phone calls and visits thus far, they definitely help the time go by!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I'm warning you now, this post if full of TMI (too much information) proceed at your own risk.

Wednesday night while taking a bath I noticed some very strange "floaters" in the tub. Remember the warning about TMI...this is where it kicks in. The more I got to looking around the more I realized the "floaters" were actually pieces of my mucus plug that had broken apart. I immediately got out of the tub and did what any normal person would do...I went straight to Google Images to see pictures of complete strangers' mucus plugs before making my official diagnosis. I then called Casey at work to let him know of the "breaking news". I decided not to call Dr. W since there wasn't anything abnormal about the appearance (the passing of the plug can still mean a couple of weeks before labor actually begins), and we had our weekly appointment early the next morning.
Thursday morning Casey came home from work and we loaded up to go see Dr. W. We were excited to share our news and find out the day she selected for our scheduled C-section. My blood pressure was good and my weight gain for the pregnancy was still at 21 pounds. Next we went for the non stress test. The babies were very active and would only allow the monitors to be on them for a few minutes at a time. They were constantly hiding and trying to kick the monitors off my belly if they were "caught". Once we were in the exam room I told Dr. W about my mucus plug. She said she wasn't surprised based on how low my belly had become, the size of my uterus and that we'd be at 34 weeks on Friday. She went ahead and checked my cervix. She said I was slightly dilated and no more than 3 cm open. She said she could dig around and get more of an exact measurement, but would prefer not to since Hailey's head was "right there". I knew Hailey had dropped but hearing Dr. W say her head was palpable was very exciting and scary at the same time. Dr. W also did my strep test and said that our C-section was scheduled for May 4, however based on my mucus plug, my dilation and Hailey's head placement she thought 2 weeks would be a more accurate arrival date for the Turner Twins.
All of the news was overwhelming. Casey and I were both in shock that she could feel Hailey's head and that Dr. W felt in 2 weeks our babies could very well be here.
Dr. W told us of all the signs to watch for and that if we saw any of them to call her and head for the hospital. I asked her what type of NICU stay we'd be looking at if the babies came now. She said no more than 3 or 4 days, possibly a week at the very most. She said the main care for them would be oxygen and possibly having to be under an oxygen hood, but nothing scary like them having to be intubated. She said the NICU stay would also give me a chance to recover for a few days from the C-section but still be with my babies and have them cared for.
We scheduled another appointment for next Thursday and we have our next ultrasound appointment on Monday. Casey and I were very excited by all the developments. We were both surprised to realize we may very well be parents this month!
Once we came home Casey went to work putting together our play yard. The nursery is complete other than a few items for the walls. Our glider and dresser arrived last week and Casey has done such a good job with decorating the nursery.
We still have lots of photos to post, so those will be coming soon. Hopefully over the weekend I'll feel well enough to post pictures of our last baby shower, Casey's diaper shoot and the nursery. I'm still working on thank you notes, too so keep an eye out for them in the mail. I would like for all of the loose ends to be tied up before our little ones make their appearance!