Saturday, June 13, 2009

Hailey and Mason's Photos!

We got the pics back from Dayna's photo shoot with the babies. I immediately started crying when I went to her website to see the results. They are that good! Check it out for yourself!

Password is db2009. Go to the More tab and select Hailey and Mason.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Casey vs. the Yellow Jackets

Team Turner has been battling a nasty bunch of yellow jackets in the front yard. We can't tell where they're coming from, but they like to fly around our vehicles, mailbox and front door. All places that we need to access daily. Monday morning Daddy decided to wage war against the scary stingers and I snuck outside to watch the yellow jacket killer in action. Once again Casey had me on the ground laughing at his high-jinks.

I snuck out the front door and hid around the corner to watch the massacre. Here Daddy pauses to survey the battlefield and get a dip of snuff before going into battle.
A sharp shooter...I mean sharp sprayer in action. Such precision and skill in his form.
Oops! My snickering got me caught!

Once my hiding location was found out by Casey he enlisted me to help fight the beasts. I was the lookout from the end of the driveway and was told to "direct" the yellow jackets his way. I wasn't really sure how to direct bees, but I gave it hell and shouted location changes to the sniper sprayer.

After missing the few yellow jackets we did see, we headed back indoors. Mason sat on my lap while we discussed our next battle plan. This little guy has no idea the fun he has ahead of him with his crazy Daddy!

After regrouping Casey decided that yellow jackets are unable to see the color white (not sure how this was determined or what research was involved) so he changed into one of his "beater" T-shirts and we headed back out for a second try.

We saw several of the pests flying around some limbs in the lot next door so Casey focused on that area first.

Daddy looking back for reassurance and yellow jacket position analysis. Notice the green grass of our yard and grass in the lot next to us. Not only can the man inflict harm on flying foes he can fertilize like a mad man!

We didn't get any kills on this outing, however we did briefly stun a scary wood spider. The photo tuned out to be kinda like a "Where's Waldo" search but there is a brown spider in middle of this picture.

With all the craziness going on outside, even Piper headed indoors to retreat from the danger.

The massacre finally ended when the Fed Ex man pulled up to deliver our Miracle Blankets. We decided to try them out on Hailey first. She's a big swaddle fighter and if we can get her to love it then we knew we'd win.

Hailey in her pink camo Miracle Blanket.

The face of defeat!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Brian's Benefit

We had a lazy Sunday morning. The twins hung out on the couch while Casey and I prepared for the week ahead and our super fun afternoon outing!

I know it won't be long until we see these two knuckleheads watching Saturday morning cartoons in their pajamas!
Pinky lounging around and taking the occasional cat nap. Its tiring to be so cute!
Mason waiting on his yummy breakfast!

Sunday afternoon we headed out to the benefit/fundraiser for Brian Edwards. Brian is Casey's chief for the Montgomery Fire Dept, Casey's part time job. Brian was injured in the Houston Fire Dept apparatus wreck earlier this year. He's undergone several surgeries and still has a ways to go before he's back to work. We had a fantastic time and enjoyed getting out of the house for such a good cause. We had hoped to arrive in time for the live auction, however we didn't quite make it until most of the auction was over. We had a really great time and the babies were excellent. As soon as we parked the stroller the babies were out and being passed around for the next 3 hours. Of course Aunt Lynette and Aunt Gretchen lots of baby time! Hailey and Mason enjoyed seeing their buddy Wyatt again...especially Pinky!

Hailey with Dan - she loved Danny's lap and hugs!

Mason had to get some Danny time, too.

Uncle Jacob snuggled with Mason. He was working that day but we still enjoyed hanging out with Mommy Emily and Little Wyatt.

Jacob with an armload of love.

The Turner babies and Wyatt taking a break from the action and hanging out in the kitchen. I love how Hailey is peeking over at Wyatt on the sly. Notice you can't see where her other hand is...I'm thinking Wyatt was getting a little pat on his hiney from Pinky!

Me and Mason with Al and Hailey. Daddy got surprise smooch from Al right on the kisser!!! Babies can even make big fireman act crazy with love, too!

Captain Craig practiced his baby holding skills. His mom would be so proud!

With all the loving the babies received at the benefit, it was hard to sneak in a feeding. We had to make a pit stop at Station 51 to feed Hailey. Mason decided he wanted to hang out with the guys and talk instead of eat. Its nice to always have a fire station near by for any traveling traumas that need to be tended to.
Hailey and Craig at 51's.

Mason and Uncle Jacob discussing the day's events in the day room. Mason loved listening to all the guys talk and laugh.

We had a great day and we were all worn out by the time we arrived back home. I put the babies in the pack-n-play while we unloaded everything. Here they are intertwined again, so stinking precious!
Such a fun day and such good babies make everyday a happy day!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

7 Weeks Old!

Here's a quick run down of what Hailey and Mason have been up to. Every day they seem to be changing and growing so much. We had quite a few "firsts" this past week. They're now 7 weeks old, they are following voices, they are now watching the mobile over their swing, Hailey has decided she likes the swing (before she was NOT interested), Hailey has slept as long as 6 hours at night, Mason has slept up to 5 hours, they take 5 ounces of formula at each feeding and they continue to make us laugh all the time!

This next group of pictures cracks me up. Hailey has taken her habit of throwing her leg over her brother even further. Today I caught Mason chewing on her foot in the pack-n-play, but didn't have my camera handy.

Here's Hailey's new foot rest.
I moved them into our bed to take a nap while I did some picking up in our bedroom. They some how managed to get in this position.

I love how their hands are so cute and expressive when they sleep.

Pinky is our sleepy girl and will fall asleep anywhere and in just a matter of seconds...unless its bedtime then its time to party!

She slept like this for almost half an hour.

Our big guy, Mason, has officially moved up a diaper size this week, too. He's out of the size "N" and is now in a size 1. Hailey still has a ways to go, she's much more petite than her meaty brother.

The diaper basket in the nursery. The difference in diaper sizes is quite dramatic now.

This was Mason waiting for his first big boy, size 1 diaper. You can tell by his facial expression that he was pretty pleased with himself! Seriously, can he get any cuter?!?

While changing Mason's diaper this week I found its not a second penis. Its his belly button. It look like he has a hernia and we go to the pediatrician on Wednesday to have it checked out. It doesn't seem to hurt him, however it makes a weird squishing noise when I try to push it down flat. No, I don't know why it made sense to push it back in but it seemed like the logical thing to do until it "talked back" to me.

This was Mason after I freaked out over his protruding bellybutton. Mr. No Worries was completely unphased and just chilled out on the couch.

Casey went back to work this past Tuesday. We really enjoyed having Daddy at home and all to ourselves for the past six weeks. Its been hard adjusting to him being gone for 24 hours at a time. He even did a 36 hour shift from Thursday morning to Friday night, then was back to work today for a 24 hour shift. The babies were all smiles when he came home last night. After seeing how much Daddy missed his kiddos, we headed to fire station for a surprise visit today. This was my first time to be out on my own with both babies, too. I only had to pull over once when Mason lost his paci and decided to throw a wall-eyed fit. Other than his small melt down the outing went really well. I was so proud!

Daddy and Mason in the day room at Station 31. That boy loves his Daddy!

Daddy with the babies in front of the ladder truck. Neither Hailey nor Mason were use to the bright sun. We're working on taking more walks and getting out of the house more now that we're in more of a routine.

Hailey and Daddy have some quality time in Daddy's office.

Mason resting on Daddy's bed in his office.

After our outing the babies were ready to be fed and put down for a nap. Pinky of course managed to get her one leg out. As the babies get stronger we're struggling to find blankets that will hold them. We've ordered the Miracle Blanket and they won't be able to bust out of those. The babies really like being swaddled and we're hoping the Miracle Blanket will allow us to keep them swaddled at night.

Hailey eventually got both legs out. This is now a common sight, hence the need for the Miracle Blanket.

She finally manages to bust free and then gets upset that she's no longer swaddled.

Hailey then has to be removed from the pack-n-play so that her brother is not disturbed.

After being banished to the swing for busting out of her swaddle, I caught her flipping me off in her swing. How can you get mad at such a sweet girl that already knows sign language?

Mason had to wear one of his fireman onesies after visiting his Daddy at the station today. He had a case of the "big eyes" when I took this picture.

His onesie says, "This is a fire truck and it goes we-oo, we-oo". It was part of a huge care package of clothes from my co-worker, Anna. Thanks again, Anna!

Mason falling asleep in his Gramps' arms after a long day. Mason arms were both straight out in the air with his hands flexed and fingers spread. So cute!

More to come soon!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Nice Quiet Weekend

Just a few cute pics that were taken over the weekend. We stayed in and relaxed and tried to rest is possible with 2 six week olds! Daddy goes back to work tomorrow and we're really going to miss him - especially for night time feedings since he works 24 hour shifts!
Enjoying some play time on the floor.

Peek a boo, Hailey!

Mason wishing he was back in his swing. My boy LOVES his swing.

A yummy Sunday dinner grilled by Daddy. Delicious shish-kabobs and boudin!

We have some really weird backyard neighbors. TRUE STORY...The husband will actually mow crop circles in the greenbelt that separates our yards. We can't figure out why they pile all their pine needles around the base of the pine trees, so I thought I'd ask our blog readers...any ideas? I guess it could be part of his crop circles and perhaps part of his communication to his mothership?

Hailey's new napping spot. She loves to recline in her Boppy while on the couch with Mommy and Daddy.