Saturday, June 26, 2010

In Response to the Requests for Updated Pics...

I I finally have a little time to blog and blogger is doing crazy stuff with my photos and formatting...

Here's a few recent pics of the kiddos. They're both walking and talking and constantly making us laugh. They turned 14 months a couple of weeks ago and this age has been so much fun.

The twins are still at home during the week. Depending on the day and Daddy's work schedule they may be with Granny Goo (our nanny), Grammie (Casey's mom), Daddy or Miss Megan (our nanny's granddaughter). They stay busy during the day and have the best time playing and interacting with one another.

I'll be 12 weeks along with Baby #3 tomorrow. The all day morning sickness is definitely improving. All certain smells knock me down now. I've been surprised at how exhaused Phenegran makes me. When I was carrying the twins I could pop them every 4 hours, if needed and be good to go. Never felt any side effects. This time they wipe me out and put me in bed almost every time. We've had our first ultrasound and got to see our newest nugget kicking and waving with a strong heartbeat. When my OB walked in to the exam room she just about died and said "Oh my gosh! Are you really here for this?!" It was nice to see someone have the same reaction that Casey and I had, too.

Mason hiding in the kitchen cabinet. Hailey after her first spaghetti dinner. Can you tell she loved it?

Hailey pulling apart the pantry - an almost daily activity.

We got Hailey and Mason little sofas that turn into beds just to play around with in the living room. They've been a much bigger hit than we could have expected. As you can see from the pics, just like in the womb, Mason wants to be right by his big sister.

Mason fell over the back in the toy pile while climbing on his chair.

Hailey has quite a bit of patience with Mason's need to mess with her. But when she's had enough, she puts him in his place real quick!

Mason, make your self comfortable!

Mid-air shot of Hailey falling.

Mason working on his Al Bundy pose...

Getting more comfortable...

Slowly sliding down...

On the floor...

Hailey seeing what may be a good opportunity....
Hailey making sure Mason's eyes close when she pokes them and Mason loving it!

The princess sitting regally on her throne.

We love this girl!!!
Kiki (my mom) got the kids some sprinklers and Hailey loved them, Mason not so much.

Our water baby.
Nightly walk with Daddy (or Gramps) around the back yard to check out all the plants.

Mason making a run for it while Daddy is distracted with Hailey...this boy can m-o-v-e!!! Forget walking he's already mastered sprinting.

Will try and post more pics soon...still need to get first birthday pics up, too!