Sunday, November 7, 2010

Stocking Full of Cole!

Cole Adam Turner, that is! Baby #3 will arrive on Tuesday, December 21 around 1:30 pm (and yes Cole Adam will be his name). Our OB scheduled my C-section at our appt this past Friday. Having a scheduled date is both exciting and scary. We only have 6 weeks left as a family of four and have a crazy list of things to do before Cole arrives. Our hectic schedule doesn't allow me to do the frequent blog postings that I had hoped.
We even have a garage sale planned for this Saturday to help rid of us of some of the clutter (please come buy our junk). I am now having weekly OB visits until the birth. We should be bringing little Cole home on Christmas Eve or even Christmas Day. The holidays will be much different this year - but there's no better present than a newborn baby! I would have never imagined we'd be preparing for a new baby a year, wow, wow!!!