Thursday, December 16, 2010

Santa Pics 2010

Hailey and Mason were not big fans of "Clause Clause" when we went to breakfast with Santa this year - maybe next year....

Cole Adam Turner Has Arrived!

Our precious baby boy has arrived. Cole joined Team Turner at 3:21 pm on Tuesday, December 14. He weighed 7 lbs, 15 ozs and was 21 and a quarter inches long. He continues to be strong and healthy and was able to stay with his Mommy and Daddy rather than going to the NICU.

Proud Mommy and Daddy
Our Chunky Monkey

Cole had his circumcision early this morning with Dr. W. We have decided to stay one more day so Cole and I can continue to heal before going home to our everyday craziness. Daddy and I are definitely missing Hailey and Mason. They both woke up with sinus infections on the day of my C-section. Thankfully Mammies (Casey's mom) and Kiki (my mom) rallied around us and could care for the twins while we headed off to meet Cole. It was not an easy decision to leave them while sick.
Daddy just left to go see our other babies for a bit and enjoy a shower at home. Cole and I are resting peacefully and spending lots of time cuddling and bonding. Having one baby is soooooo much easier and much less stressful. Cole is a perfect fit for our family and its awesome knowing Team Turner is we go!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Last Weekend as a Family of Four

Things have moved along quickly with baby Cole. My C-section is now scheduled for Tuesday, December 14 at 3 pm. Thats less than 48 hours from now - CRAZY! After having lots of contractions and blood sugar issues we talked with Dr. W and all came to the agreement on Tuesday's delivery date.
Dr. W did prep us for Cole's need to probably be taken to the NICU for observation due to my gestational diabetes. We were prepared for Hailey and Mason to have a short stay in the NICU but Hailey managed to regulate her blood sugar after birth and avoided having to go. Dr. W said things were a little different with Cole since my medication doses are higher, I've been eating correctly and my numbers are still elevated. Hearing the word NICU mentioned isn't comforting - but blood sugar issues are on the "easy" end of reasons to have to go. Hopefully all of our prayers will have the same effect as they did on Hailey and Cole will stay with his Mommy and Daddy. We are looking forward to being home well before the holidays and getting to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with the twins.
Hailey and Mason are doing great. We did Santa pics that are hysterical. I may load those tomorrow night since I doubt I'll be sleeping due to nerves and excitement. This was our last weekend as our little family of four...can't wait to meet Cole in person Tuesday afternoon.