Tuesday, September 30, 2008

So Much To Do!!!

Its 4 am and I can't sleep!!! I've been up since a little before 3 am and my brain will not turn off. I think its finally hit me how much work we have ahead of us in the next 7 or 8 months. We have so much to do and I feel like I don't even know where to start.
  • Turn Piper's room into a nursery
  • Clean out the crazy closet in Piper's room
  • Organize garage to handle all the madness from Piper's closet
  • Cribs
  • Dresser
  • Changing table
  • Highchairs
  • Double stroller
  • Car seats
  • New car (since 2 car seats don't really fit in a 2 door Accord)
  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Bottles
  • Clothes
  • Diaper bag(s)
  • Toys
  • Diaper Genie
  • Boppies
  • And so much more!!!

I was hoping that by writing some of this stuff down it will help me stop adding to the massive to do list that seems to be growing in my head each day...we'll see! I know I'll be miserable about 2 or 3 pm this afternoon, but laying in the bed for the past hour wasn't working for me either.

Today is also my usual Tuesday appointment at Dr. G's office, Casey and I are looking forward to seeing our babies again. Next week I have my first appointment with my new OB. I know I'll miss Dr. Nebgen, but driving to the Medical Center all the time just would not be fit with my work schedule, not to mention the toll roads, valet parking, gas and traffic.

I think I'm feeling a bit more relieved, guess I'll check out last night's Hills episode on the DVR, somehow the Heidi and Spencer drama always makes me thankful for my simple little life!

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