Sunday, November 16, 2008

14 Weeks and Missing Our Daddy

Casey left for New Mexico at 3 am Thursday morning. I think I started missing him around Monday or Tuesday before he left. I'm use to Casey being gone a lot for work, but I know he's just a phone call or short drive away and I can see or talk to him whenever I want. New Mexico is a bit different than him being at the fire station. He and his buddies are staying in a cabin in the middle of no where and there's no cell phone reception there either. He has to drive to the top of a mountain or into town in order to make any cell phone calls. So far he's been calling 2 or 3 times a day, depending on what the guys are doing that day and their hunting schedules.

I don't think trip is going as well as he had planned. The first full day they were there he had a flat tire and it ripped the fender off of his truck. Then he called today and said he thinks he has the flu! He didn't even leave the cabin to hunt this morning because of being so achy and feverish and he plans on staying in for the rest of today. He drove into town with his friend to call me, but said it may be the only call today since he feels so rotten. I feel so bad for him and hate that I'm not there to take care of my sweet boy. He did say that he found a doctor's office in town and plans on going tomorrow to see if they can do anything or if nothing else, just confirm its the flu. I think both of us are anxious for the trip to be over and for him to be home!

14 Weeks Update
  • Official start of second trimester
  • Babies measure 3 and 1/4 inch to 4 inches from head to bottom (about the size of a fist)
  • Babies weigh almost 1 oz now
  • Babies now rely on the placenta as their full support system
  • Hair is beginning to grow on their heads
  • They can bend, flex and twist their fingers, hands, wrists, legs, knees and toes
  • They "practice" the movements of breathing in and out to prepare for life outside my uterus
  • Eyelids, fingernails and toenails continue to develop
  • Necks have grown and their chins no longer rest on their chests
  • Lanugo, the body hair that keeps them warm, has developed

I really can't wait to see them on Wednesday, I just wish my Casey would be able to be there, too. I scheduled my appointment before I knew the dates for his trip and with his work schedule and Thanksgiving, I couldn't find a time where we were both available. Now I have to go prepare for the coming work week and another Monday....

1 comment:

jamielblev said...

Do you think you'll be able to find out the gender at your appointment this week?