Sunday, January 25, 2009

Babymoon Bummer

This past Thursday I had my one hour glucose test at Dr. W's. I had been feeling pretty lousy for a couple days but figured that was just the way it was when you're the size of the marshmallow man. On my way in to work I started having a lot of contractions, eventually they got up to 8-10 contractions in an hour - nothing painful - just kind of a burning sensation like last time. I figured that I probably just needed to have my dosage increased on the medicine she prescribed awhile back, and I'd ask the nurse while doing the glucose test....boy was I wrong.

After drawing my blood for the glucose test I was whisked to the back and hooked up to the fetal monitors and the machine that measures contractions. Everyone was able to see and feel the contractions while I was being hooked up, but of course once everything was in place the contractions stopped. I was there for a quite awhile and of course none occurred while on the monitor. In the end, Dr. W sent me home on bed rest until the following day as long as I didn't have any more contractions. I went home only had a couple more while lying down and was excited the additional medicine helped and I could be back at work the next day.

The next morning my cell phone rang while at the office. I had failed my glucose test and due to the prior day's events and the glucose situation, I was put back on bed rest. The bed rest was to last until my 3 hour glucose test scheduled on Monday. The weekend was not fun but Casey went and bought 2 frames for our most recent ultrasound pics and set them up on my nightstand. Whenever I wanted to get up, I'd look at the babies and somehow managed to last through the entire weekend. Needless to say, it wasn't the weekend I had planned.

Monday morning I went and spent the entire morning at Dr. W's for my 3 hour glucose test. The entire time I felt awful and just posted up in the comfy recliner in her office. I figured with the way I felt about an hour and half after drinking the glucose, the test would reveal I had gestational diabetes. I also mentioned I had started to experience some cramping and of course that somehow turned into the bed rest for the remainder of that day, too. I was told I could go to work on Tuesday (today) if I had no more cramping or contractions. Luckily, all that ended.

This morning I was eager to get up and be a part of society again. I was in the office by 5:30 am to be ready for a 6 am conference call. Around 9 am Dr. W's office called and confirmed I had gestational diabetes....big disappointment (but expected).

Tomorrow is my regular 2 week visit and I'll get more info on what we need to do and what our next steps are. As of now, I have my appt with the dietitian on 2/10 and will be monitoring my blood sugar 4 times a day beginning tomorrow. After all the craziness this week, Dr. W did mention that she'd prefer we not go to New Mexico and stay closer to home in the coming weeks. Sadly our hotel reservations have been canceled and it looks like will be in Willis instead of Red River next week. On the other hand, today was much better and I didn't have any contractions or cramping. We'll see what tomorrow's visit brings....

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Say Cheese...burger!!!

Yep, the mystery is solved. Our modest baby is definitely a girl, no wonder she wouldn't open her legs! Casey was surprised since I'm not exactly known for my modesty (but not in a bad way...hmmm maybe I need to think more about this)!

I went to my monthly appt w/Dr. W on Wednesday and everything is going quite well. She said I did have a higher amount of of glucose in my urine than she'd like to see, so we have more tests for that next week. But babies sounded great and are progressing nicely. Once she brought up the urine situation I fessed up to my uncontrollable thirst and constant peeing - so we'll what happens next week. She was very adamant that if I do have gestational diabetes, its not a huge thing and we can manage it, as long as I follow her orders. I can't imagine NOT following them, so I'm totally on board with whatever she says. After all, I was able to handle 4 or 5 shots a day during IVF, so if worse comes to worse a little insulin injection won't phase me now.

She also gave me the orders for the follow-up Level 2 ultrasound. When I left her office I went straight to their office to schedule the appt, of course all the appt schedulers had left 10 minutes before...and so goes the story of my life!

I called the ultrasound place the next morning and was able to make an appt for that evening. Casey met me at the office and we were both cautiously optimistic that we could learn the other baby's gender. It didn't take long before the tech told us we had a girl! Since I was spread-eagle on a gurney w/a stranger rubbing my belly with jelly and an ultrasound wand, all we could do was high-five. The hugs and a larger celebration came later. Casey and I were both very excited to hear that we'd have the best of both worlds and would be able to raise a boy and girl at the same time. The future grandmothers and great grandmother were just as excited to share in our news.

We got several great ultrasound pics, too. The one of our baby boy's face is just the sweetest. It was almost like he smiled and knew we were peeking in on him. Name discussions have already started. Casey's vote was for Augustus and Bluebonnet...I had to put my foot down and explain that I would not have a child named "Gus" and Bluebonnet is way to "Gwyneth Paltrow" for me. We think we have the girl's name figured out, but I'm gonna wait just a little bit longer before sharing it with the internet, in case a change is made. Plus when sharing names there's always that person who knew/knows someone with the same name and they don't' like them. So we'll keep our cards close to our vest for just a bit longer.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

We Have a Turtle!

So after leaving the WMOMs group Tuesday I came home and told Casey all about my new support group. I also shared that besides the women who were under 10 weeks pregnant, I was the only one who didn't know the genders of their babies. Casey was also frustrated that we still didn't know the sexes, so I brought up the idea of going for an ultrasound the next morning. The only downfall would be that Casey wouldn't be there. He agreed that it was time and was happy to hear me say I needed to know what we were having.
The next morning, I got up early and headed out so that I could arrive at the ultrasound place when they opened. On our last visit since we couldn't see the sexes yet, the tech said I could come back and she'd do a quick gender check whenever my schedule would allow. Well this past Wednesday I was determined to find out who was living in my belly. I arrived at 7:15 and Marilyn's 7 am appointment was a no show, so I got to go straight back. It didn't take but a second for her to see that Baby B's legs were wide open and there was a turtle looking back at us. I was sooo excited - we are having at least one BOY and I knew Casey would be over the moon about his future hunting buddy. Baby A wasn't quite as accommodating, his/her legs were closed and even after some gentle mashing he/she was not open to giving us a pick at his/her cheeseburger or turtle.
So my mission was 50% successful - as of now we have one boy and one still to be determined. I go to Dr. W for my monthly appointment this week and will get the orders for our second Level 2 ultrasound (since the babies were moving too much last time to get accurate spine measurements). I plan on heading straight down to the ultrasound facility when leaving her office and scheduling my appointment ASAP.
Casey and I are ready to start registering, shopping, decorating and narrowing down names. We have half the puzzle solved and can't wait to see if we have a little girl or little boy being so modest. Our moms and my grandparents were the first to hear the big news and all were excited. Oh the fun!!!

WMOMs Newest Member

Tuesday night was my first The Woodlands Mothers of Multiples meetings, it was way better than I expected! I arrived for the 6:15 pm "New Mom" meeting, its for prospective new members not necessarily for women who will be "new" to the mom role. I can actually say I learned a lot and feel much more comfortable. There were at least 50 moms in attendance and all had at least one set of multiples. There were lots of twin moms, quite a few triplet moms and even some quadruplet and septuplet moms.
At least 1/3 of the women were pregnant, too. The belly sizes were so fun to look at. I'm happy to say that I was not the biggest belly prize winner. One woman came in and I thought she had to be right at 9 months and turns out she was only 28 weeks (with twins)!!!! I just hit 22 weeks yesterday, so I'm in total shock as far as what is still to come. We had 2 guest speakers on interesting topics surrounding multiples and a great dinner buffet of all kinds of salads, fresh veggies, fresh fruit and dips. So yummy!
I met some really great women, too. One woman is fairly early in her pregnancy but she also endured IVF and we had lots to talk about. We both agreed we'd see each other at next month's meeting. I'm also really looking forward to the big WMOM Children's Sale where WMOM's get first dibs on gently used baby/children items. My calendar is already marked and Casey will be coming, too!
I have to admit that driving back home that night our new reality set in. I am now "one of those women". I'm 30, drive an enormous SUV, am expecting twins and just met so many of the women that we'll be scheduling future play dates with...and to think this was God's plan all along - pretty amazing!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

21 Weeks

What's happening in Rica's uterus this week:
  • Babies are approximately 7 inches long from crown to rump (think large banana)
  • Babies weight approximately 11 ounces each
  • They're able to taste some of what I'm eating, by swallowing amniotic fluid
  • Arms and legs are now in proportion
  • Additional nervous system development allows for more coordinated movements
  • Senses are developing daily
  • Taste buds have formed on tongue
  • Development of brain and nerve endings are advanced enough to let them sense touch

Tomorrow night I'll be attending my first meeting with The Woodlands Mothers of Multiples support group. I'm anxious to gain some insight into what the rest of my pregnancy and motherhood will be like. Dr. Gill's staff really encouraged me to join the group and a co-worker who is 23 weeks pregnant with twins also attends monthly. I've heard nothing but positive feedback about the WMOMs and am really looking forward to meeting other women that have given birth to multiples!

Babymoon Bound!

Casey and I have finally decided that for our babymoon (our last trip before we become a family) we'll be heading to the snow! Casey has never really seen snow, so we picked Red River, New Mexico as our destination. I've been to New Mexico with the youth group from church in high school and have seen plenty of snow. Casey and I also went snow skiing in Colorado when we were dating, but he never got to leave the cabin due to the flu. So hopefully after being sick this year while hunting in New Mexico (before the snow arrived), he'll be ready to rock for our trip.

We're super excited and are looking forward to a really fun time. We'll be gone for the first week in February and can't wait to do lots of exploring, shopping, laughing and relaxing. Of course I won't be skiing, but Casey may give snowboarding a try. We just have one tiny little thing on our checklist...I still need Dr. W's approval. I've read several places that altitude changes aren't great for pregnant women - so we'll see what she says at my appt in a week and a half. Hopefully we'll get the green light, if not we'll just head either further west or maybe even east.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Contraction Distraction

Monday evening I thought I had heartburn, but quickly realized I was actually experiencing contractions - real contractions. We started keeping track of the contractions and they were always around 5-6 per hour. Dr. W had told me on my last visit that this may occur and if they ever got over 6 or 7 in an hour to call her.

I had trouble sleeping that night due to the constant counting and contracting, but felt at ease that we were still below 6 or 7 an hour. About 4:30 am on Tuesday they started to pick up, by 8 am I was having up to 11 or 12 an hour. We called Dr. W at 8:30 when the office opened and I spoke to her nurse. She put me on bed rest for the remainder of the day and set up an appointment for that afternoon at 3 pm.

By 3 pm they had calmed down quite a bit - probably from the bed rest, and I headed into her office. She confirmed I was having contractions, but not to worry she expected this at this point in my pregnancy. She said my uterus had again expanded very quickly and it was just reacting to the increased size. My cervix was still thick and hard, so no damage done. She then put me on a new medicine that relaxes the uterus and also relaxes blood vessels. She said this would serve as 2 purposes: end the contractions and keep my blood pressure under control. She also said that most of her patients that start on this med at around 20 weeks end up carrying to past full term and have to be induced. She was confident with the treatment plan, so we were confident and were able to stop worrying.

I only had 2 contractions that evening after taking the pill and have not had anymore since. So all seems to be going well, just a minor bump in the road but all fixed now. Such a relief!!!