Saturday, January 10, 2009

We Have a Turtle!

So after leaving the WMOMs group Tuesday I came home and told Casey all about my new support group. I also shared that besides the women who were under 10 weeks pregnant, I was the only one who didn't know the genders of their babies. Casey was also frustrated that we still didn't know the sexes, so I brought up the idea of going for an ultrasound the next morning. The only downfall would be that Casey wouldn't be there. He agreed that it was time and was happy to hear me say I needed to know what we were having.
The next morning, I got up early and headed out so that I could arrive at the ultrasound place when they opened. On our last visit since we couldn't see the sexes yet, the tech said I could come back and she'd do a quick gender check whenever my schedule would allow. Well this past Wednesday I was determined to find out who was living in my belly. I arrived at 7:15 and Marilyn's 7 am appointment was a no show, so I got to go straight back. It didn't take but a second for her to see that Baby B's legs were wide open and there was a turtle looking back at us. I was sooo excited - we are having at least one BOY and I knew Casey would be over the moon about his future hunting buddy. Baby A wasn't quite as accommodating, his/her legs were closed and even after some gentle mashing he/she was not open to giving us a pick at his/her cheeseburger or turtle.
So my mission was 50% successful - as of now we have one boy and one still to be determined. I go to Dr. W for my monthly appointment this week and will get the orders for our second Level 2 ultrasound (since the babies were moving too much last time to get accurate spine measurements). I plan on heading straight down to the ultrasound facility when leaving her office and scheduling my appointment ASAP.
Casey and I are ready to start registering, shopping, decorating and narrowing down names. We have half the puzzle solved and can't wait to see if we have a little girl or little boy being so modest. Our moms and my grandparents were the first to hear the big news and all were excited. Oh the fun!!!


Jennifer said...

Congrats on the boy! Boys are really sweet! Can't wait to hear what Baby B is.

Anonymous said...

I know that what I would normally do is leave a comment on every single post since I just found your blog, Erica. However, I'm actually kind of busy today so you'll just have to settle for one. It's hard out here for a pimp.

Erica said...

WP - I'm so glad to hear you found a respectable job as a pimp. I knew you'd make yourself into something one day. And as for Delton, he'll have no problems. He's beyond cute - good job!!!