Sunday, March 29, 2009

Bed Rest and Babies Update

Time seems to pass pretty slowly these days. Bed rest seems to stretch each day into what feels like a week. I'm now able to keep up with all the crazy paternity tests on Maury and of course I cry at least once each week day while watching Ellen. I've been reading quite a few books too. I just finished "It Sucked and Then I Cried" by Heather B. Armstrong. She's the creator of one of my favorite blogs ( The book is all about her first pregnancy with her daughter and her battle with postpartum depression afterwards. I know it sounds a bit depressing, but her writing style is so unique and is also truly laugh out loud funny. While I don't always agree with her opinions on politics and religion, I recommend that everyone checks her out - its worth your time.
As far as baby updates, I've been seeing Dr. W weekly and all seems to be going much better now that I'm on "house arrest". She is optimistic that with my improvement over the past week and a half that we may be able to make it to full term for twins, which would be 37 weeks. We hit 33 weeks this past Friday. At my last appointment she began the scheduling process for my C-section for the last week in April. She asked if we had a preference on a birthday for the babies for that week. I couldn't think of a reason as to why one date would be better than the next, so I told her to pick the date and time. We'll find out the outcome at my appointment this coming Wednesday. I've updated the baby ticker on the blog to reflect a due date of April 27 until we get the actual date this week.
Our next ultrasound is on Monday, April 6. This will be to check the size and development of both babies. I'm anxious to find out their approximate weight and length. I can't imagine my belly growing any more than it already has. My contractions have increased a bit over the past week, so I anticipate some changes in my medication to come, too.
I would have never thought we'd make it to 33 weeks but we're excited about the possibility of making it to full term. Being able to avoid the NICU would be the best ever. At my last appointment I asked how long we could expect a NICU stay to last if the babies were born between 32 and 33 weeks and she estimated a 2-3 week visit at that point.
Everything else is coming along nicely. Casey has totally taken over all household duties and seems to be enjoying his new role. He should have the nursery complete with the rest of our furniture and baby items by the end of the coming week, too. Once all is done I'll have him take pictures for the blog. He's done a great job so far and his diaper shoot was VERY successful. Our diaper stash is quite impressive. The Yukon was so full of diapers when he came home that the smell of diapers was actually nauseating and you could smell it from outside the vehicle. It now makes sense as to why drug smugglers try and use diapers to throw of the drug sniffing dogs at border crossings!

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