Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Casey and the Sun Tea

Casey is a perfectionist when it comes to certain things. He's always making me laugh and his recent sun tea escapade was no exception. While strolling through Wal-Mart at some ungodly hour the other night, we stumbled upon some sun tea jars and decided that we needed one. At the time, it made sense to us...why make regular tea when you can make sun tea? Like we have anything else to do during the day right now?!?!

The next morning Casey was eager to fire up his sun tea jar. At first the tea started out on the driveway on top of a table.
Within an hour or so he decided the table was not the place for brewing, instead he tried the driveway. Keep in mind the location didn't change all that much, just the elevation...LOL!
After another hour or so the sun tea got the best of him and he again moved the jar to the tailgate of his truck. The tailgate is now the preferred brewing location for sun tea. Who else could make sun tea a stressful or worrisome event? Thats my Casey!!!
Casey is also super picky about our grass. Keep in mind that many years ago we had a grass farm business - soooo funny now when I think about it. Right before the babies arrived Casey decided he needed to dethatch the yard. This involved renting some crazy dethatching machine from Lowe's and tearing up a lot of the yard (I think this must have been part of the male version of nesting). Now a month later the yard looks great and is super lush and green. You can see the difference between our yard and the lot on the left side of the picture and the lot across the street. I thought his green grass deserved a pic on the blog...he makes me laugh even with the most mundane tasks/events. He's a mess but I wouldn't have him any other way. We love our Daddy!!!


April said...

First of all, so you know who I am, I'm Emily (Hoffart)'s younger sister. I met you briefly at the hospital right after Wyatt was born...during one of your false alarms :(

Second of all, I'm obsessed with reading blogs. Emily told me the address to yours as they were driving home from yall's house and I love your blog! Just what I need on a Sunday night when I should be getting ready for school tomorrow - a new, hilarious, lots-of-pictures blog. Thanks a lot!

You're a very funny writer, but obviously you have funny things to write about (ex: Casey's sun tea!) and you have 2 CUTE babies! Hopefully one day I'll get to meet them in person! Just let me know when you need extra hands after Casey goes back to work! I'm a teacher after all, and summer is RIGHT around the corner (9 school days to be exact!).

I look forward to seeing pictures of big Wyatt with the Turner twins!

Erica said...

Hi April! I do remember meeting you in the hospital. Glad you enjoy the blog. We're always looking for extra hands - especially as Casey gets closer to going back to work. I'm thinking you're totally qualified to help out with night feedings LOL!