Saturday, July 4, 2009

First Round of Vaccinations

Miracle blanket update: They really are a miracle! The first night we had them both babies slept an additional one and half hours longer than before. Hallelujah!!! The babies love them and are quick to fall asleep once swaddled. This is a must have!!!
The babies had their first round of vaccinations on June 9, just 2 days shy of being 8 weeks old. Because the babies were born a bit early, their pediatrician said that he'd like them to a little more than six weeks old when they received their shots. I was a nervous wreck the night before and was so anxious about their poor little legs and the pain they were to have the next day. I was also worried that we'd have 2 really fussy babies on our hands and a sleepless night ahead of us. I was set to return to work on June 11 so that entire week was crazy busy.

The babies were enrolled in Todd's School of Merit for daycare and I decided that we'd do a couple of practice runs before they had to stay all day. They went for 2 half days before I had to return to work. This allowed me to see how our morning routine would work out and how much time I'd need to allow to get the 3 of us out the door. Casey has to leave for work by 5 am, so this was a big area of worry for me. Their first half day went smoothly - I only cried briefly on the way to drop them off, but felt okay when we left. That day we had to go buy another baby swing, pick up baby Tylenol at Krogers, check out the newly opened Station 33, look at lots in The Hills of Montgomery and then pick the babies back up in time for their vaccination appointment...seems simple right? Not when you're part of our family!

As we were pulling into Krogers we saw a cloud of smoke suddenly appear a few cars ahead of us in the entrance to Krogers. There had been a pretty good wreck and of course Casey hopped out to help the lady in car and assess the scene. I dropped him off while I ran into Krogers and of course I snapped a couple of pics of our adventure.

A couple of action shots of my Casey...he never knew I took these.

I had to grab a pic of my babies as they waited in the waiting room for their vaccinations. The poor things had no idea they'd soon come out with multiple band-aids!

Hailey Ann

Mason Adam

The two unsuspecting patients chilling in their "carriage" (as Daddy and Dr. Leass call the stroller).

Hailey awaiting her shots with her Daddy.

Mason and Mommy waiting for the drama to begin.
My big guy after being poked and prodded. He was a trooper, but boy does he have a set of lungs on him. He was MAD!!! Oh and his belly button has been diagnosed as a giant outtie, no hernia - just a bit unsightly and alarming to look at! :)

My sweet girl and her bandages. She put on a pretty good show, too. Mommy didn't cry (big surprise!) because both babies calmed down within seconds of receiving their shots.

Hailey had a massive poop while screaming, here she is after being all cleaned up with her camo band-aids in full effect!

The babies were great that afternoon, no fussiness. They enjoyed the second swing we purchased that morning and spent the afternoon swinging and dreaming away. Such preciousness!


Jacob and Emily said...

I am impressed with the no crying on your part! Good job! I was such a huge wimp and cried like a baby when Wyatt cried. Maybe I will do better next time - or Jacob will be taking him alone : )

Erica said...

I think I did better with the not crying part because I had another baby to keep me distracted, otherwise I probably would have totally lost it. Hate to hear them in sad!