Sunday, November 8, 2009

Our First Halloween

Hailey and Mason celebrated their first Halloween and had lots of fun! Grammie got them matching outfits that said "My First Halloween" rather than costumes and the babies loved their special Halloween clothes!

Here they are before we headed out trick or treating. They're both wearing the same size pants, but Mason's are much more snug...he could be the first baby to have a camel toe/moose knuckle while still in a diaper. Poor guy!

Hailey Ann is all smiles!

Mason's excited since he knows candy is involved!

This is probably one of the worst pictures...but since our super kind neighbors were nice enough to capture the babies' first trick or treating, I'm obligated to include it. That's Mr. Boze giving Daddy and Hailey and Mommy and Mason our treats.

Next we headed to the Journeys', our across the street neighbors. Stella had fun holding Mason, although Mason wasn't so sure about the festivities.

After a good haul (three houses), we headed home to scope out the loot. After waiting patiently, Mason was given the approval to see what was in his bag.

He was all smiles, so you know he got lots of his favorites. Hailey dug into her candy so fast, we didn't even get to get a picture.

Here she is on the changing table after spitting up (see chin and shirt). Evidently formula, nerds, gummy bears and lemon drops don't sit well on a 6 month old's stomach. Who knew?!?!

We had a great time and made good memories. We can't wait until next year when the babies will be walking - oh the fun! And in typical Mason fashion, after eating all his candy, he decided he would eat his bag, too.

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween...sorry these are so late! Much love from the Turners!

1 comment:

Mrs. B said...

AWW! they are so darn cute!