Monday, April 26, 2010

Back in Chi-town

Exactly one month later, I'm back in the Chicago area for work again. I arrived on Sunday afternoon and will be here until Friday afternoon. Casey is the best daddy in the world. I miss everyone back at home so much, but I know Hailey and Mason are under their Daddy's care. The last time I was here we were told that we'd be back at least two more times. I'm hoping that this will be the last time and I won't need to return a third (or possibly fourth time) we'll see.

I still have so much to post about - just can't find the time. Hailey and Mason had their first birthday party. We decided to do a small event this year which was a good decision due to them being sick a few days before. They both had a virus and then Hailey ended up with thrush...good times! I have lots of pics, but didn't bring my camera or load the most recent pics on the laptop before leaving.

Mason is our traveling boy - he walks everywhere and gets into everything. Hailey will be joining him within the next few weeks. Hailey talks while Mason walks. Her first word was ball. As of me leaving, she could say ball, bear, dog, hi, hey and dadada (dada). Mason says ca-ca for kitty cat when he says Piper. If only she loved him as much as he loves her!

We're still not sleeping through the night, which is very difficult when you have two babies. I'm hoping that we will have that mastered within the next few weeks. I'll post more once I return home and life gets back to our normal chaos.

Hugs to everyone!

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