Saturday, January 3, 2009

Contraction Distraction

Monday evening I thought I had heartburn, but quickly realized I was actually experiencing contractions - real contractions. We started keeping track of the contractions and they were always around 5-6 per hour. Dr. W had told me on my last visit that this may occur and if they ever got over 6 or 7 in an hour to call her.

I had trouble sleeping that night due to the constant counting and contracting, but felt at ease that we were still below 6 or 7 an hour. About 4:30 am on Tuesday they started to pick up, by 8 am I was having up to 11 or 12 an hour. We called Dr. W at 8:30 when the office opened and I spoke to her nurse. She put me on bed rest for the remainder of the day and set up an appointment for that afternoon at 3 pm.

By 3 pm they had calmed down quite a bit - probably from the bed rest, and I headed into her office. She confirmed I was having contractions, but not to worry she expected this at this point in my pregnancy. She said my uterus had again expanded very quickly and it was just reacting to the increased size. My cervix was still thick and hard, so no damage done. She then put me on a new medicine that relaxes the uterus and also relaxes blood vessels. She said this would serve as 2 purposes: end the contractions and keep my blood pressure under control. She also said that most of her patients that start on this med at around 20 weeks end up carrying to past full term and have to be induced. She was confident with the treatment plan, so we were confident and were able to stop worrying.

I only had 2 contractions that evening after taking the pill and have not had anymore since. So all seems to be going well, just a minor bump in the road but all fixed now. Such a relief!!!

1 comment:

Christin, Jason, and Luke said...

and this is why you shouldnt be at work!