We got my test results back from last week. My urine test was good, but my glucose test was outside the normal range and within the range for gestational diabetes. Dr. Everson is having me do a 3 hour glucose test with fasting as soon as I can fit into my schedule. Tomorrow I have a crazy day of meetings at work, and Wednesday morning I have my appt with the other OB we're interested in using. I'm hoping to be able to fit the glucose test in either Thursday or Friday.
According to Dr. E's office, I'll fast beginning at midnight the night before and arrive when the lab opens at 8:30. They'll take my blood prior to me drinking the glucose then I'll drink the glucose and have my blood drawn every hour for 3 hours afterwards. I really think everything will be fine - just sucks that I have to spend 3 hours chilling at the lab. I know there are worse things, so we'll do the test and keep plugging along. I also went and picked up a copy of all my lab results today so that I can take them to the other OB's appt and she can see where we are.
One of my concerns w/Dr. E is that she's requesting a Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS). According to my paperwork, the CVS is done between 10-12 weeks. A needle is placed with ultrasound guidance through the abdomen or cervix, and a biopsy of the placenta is performed. Its suppose to determine the chromosome count for each baby - so I'll have 2 needles through the gut. I'd really like to avoid the test since even if we were to have a baby with Downs Syndrome we wouldn't terminate the pregnancy - so I'm not really seeing a benefit worth the risk involved. This will be once of my first questions for the other OB. As of now our CVS appointment is scheduled a couple of weeks from now, but unless we hear some more persuasive facts we think we'll be canceling. Either way, we'll see how everything goes and keep praying for the best! More to come after Wednesday's appointment.
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