Wednesday afternoon Casey and I headed to our first appointment with my new OB in The Woodlands. We were both anxious to meet the person who would be taking over Dr. Nebgen's role and to learn more about our babies and what to expect in the coming months. The office visit started out with meeting Dr. Everson and going over my medical history. She did my annual well woman exam and then sent us for some tests and said she'd meet back with us and we'd have the big "pregnancy conversation".
Our first stop was the restroom for a urine sample. I had peed right before leaving work so I was only able to provide literally 2 drops of pee. It was so little that I was actually embarrassed to turn in my urine cup. After urine we moved on to the ultrasound - this was the best!!!
Our babies are now officially known as Twin A and Twin B. Both fetuses were quite active and put on a show for us. Twin A was in a more upright position and moved around every now and then, Twin B would curl up in ball and root around at the bottom of his/her sack. Casey got to hear both heartbeats for the first time and it was obvious he was just as moved as I was the first I heard them, too. The twins are both on track developmentally and growth wise. The best part of the visit came when the Ultrasound Tech suddenly changed the ultrasound screen to the new 4D view. It was unbelievable!!! You could see so much detail and it really made the Turner Twins come to life. We could see eyes, nose, arm buds, leg buds, backs, heads...everything. I think all we could do was gasp as we were able to peek in on our little miracles. They looked just like the little babies on my blog counter! We got lots of pics and even one of the 4D ones to take home, too. Casey and I will definitely be doing the full 4D ultrasound package later on - it was just tooooo fantastic.
After all the ultrasound fun, Dr. Everson met us back in an exam room and thats when it felt like the fun ended. She was very blunt (which was good) and said she had some serious concerns about my pregnancy, not for the babies but more for me. She said that my urine already had protein in it and my blood pressure was high, both are signs of pre-eclampsia (toxemia). She stated that my weight was also a concern (I explained it wasn't my plan to get pregnant while fat) and that with carrying twins I'd need to be closely monitored. Bottom line.. once you're told you're fat, pregnant with twins, have protein in your urine, high blood pressure and have a high risk of gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia- your day will pretty much suck from that point on.
Next week I'll be completing a 24 hour urine test, glucose test and additional blood work. Dr. E is sending me to specialist down in the medical center for another test in about a week or two and then possibly another specialist a few weeks later. We were finally given a due date of May 15th, however she said I'd probably only make it to mid or late April due to the concerns with my pregnancy. She said it would also be a good idea to start preparing for the babies now, as it was very possible I could be on bed rest at 20 weeks. This was when my stomach dropped - 20 WEEKS?!?!?! I struggled for 3 days on bed rest - I can't imagine 3 weeks, much less the entire second half of my pregnancy! I assured Dr. E I would do whatever was necessary to remain as healthy possible and avoid bed rest.
Since our visit I've made some diet changes and Casey and I are walking daily. I'm really working on my water intake and I've cutout sugar all together. Sugar has never been a big thing for me, so this has been easy. I love the creamy, cheesy and greasy stuff like pizza with ranch dressing, fettuccine alfredo and cheese of any kind - these foods have been eliminated, too. Today I tested my blood sugar, just out of curiosity, and was very happy to see it was 98 after eating. This news also helped Casey relax a bit more, too. I really didn't expect any of the news we received on Wednesday, but Casey and I have agreed to take it in stride and do whatever is necessary to not make things any worse. It just seemed like so much to absorb in our first OB visit and to only be 9 weeks along - I thought getting pregnant and the nausea and vomiting would be the hard part - not so. Good news is the babies are great and with the changes we've made hopefully I will be, too!
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