Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Quarter of the Way There

We hit the 10 week mark yesterday - woo hoo! In the past week I completed my 24 hour urine test, glucose test and some additional blood work. We should get the results early next week. This coming Tuesday I have an appointment with an OB that specializes in the delivery of twins and we're going to see how her pregnancy plan compares to Dr. Everson's. I'm happy to say I've been feeling better this week, the vomiting has subsided and the nausea has been easier to deal with, too. I still get amazed at how tired I can become in just a matter of minutes - I know this is normal but it seems like I should have completed a marathon or have at least cleaned my house from top to bottom to feel this type of fatigue.

We have officially graduated from Dr. Gill's office. No more in vitro visits and no more shots. Hallelujah! In our last visit on Thursday the babies put on quiet a show for us. Both were upside down, waving their arms and kicking their legs. I'm pretty sure one of them was doing the sprinkler, so we can safely say Casey's super-deluxe dance moves have been passed on to the next generation of Turners. We got lots of pics and got to hear the hear beats again. They came in at 166 bpm and 170 bpm. We will miss getting to peek in on the babies since we won't have ultrasounds as often, but we know our future ultrasounds will be that much more special.

The nursery is slowly progressing, Piper's bed and the desk are now completely disassembled. My goal today is to work though some of the papers and miscellaneous piles of treasures that are stored in there. Last night Casey and I went and picked out pumpkins and carved a jack-o-latern for each of us. Its pretty crazy to think next year we'll have 4 pumpkins sitting on the front porch. So fun!

And last but not least, my Mammers celebrated her 80th birthday yesterday. Happy birthday, Mamms! The Turner Twins will have the best great-grandmother ever!!!

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