Saturday, August 16, 2008

Making Eggs

Yep, thats what we've been doing...making eggs. Happy to say all is going very well. I've had several ultrasounds and blood draws done this week and all is good. It was quite exciting to see my eggs for the first time on the ultrasound.

As of the last count I think I had 6 eggs on the right side and 4 eggs on my left side. They are about 6-7 mm in size. Harvesting usually takes place when they reach about 10 or 11 mm. They grow approximately 1 mm per day. At this rate, it looks like next week we could be doing the harvest.

All of my blood results have been good and on track. I haven't had to change any of my medications, so we're continuing with 4 shots a day. Casey is really involved with everything. He rushes home to give me my shots whenever possible. This morning I let him sleep in since my shots are done between 5:30 and 6 am, and he gets to sleep in only one or 2 days a month. I think he was disappointed when I told him I had done them myself. He's been so hands on and caring with everything. He's even tolerating my mood swings quite well.

My shots don't really hurt, however my stomach is pretty bruised up just because of having to do 28 shots per week, (you kinda run out of room - even in my current state of fatness). I think everything on my body is swollen, too. My rings no longer fit and my fingers look and feel like hot dogs, and my toes feel like those nasty, canned Vienna sausages. Everything just feels supersized right now. The nurse told me it was just a side effect of all the hormones and it will more than likely increase, especially once I start to receive my HCG injections.

I am super excited to say I've had no pain - not even with the ultrasounds. I would have never believed I would be pain free during this process. It does feel weird in my stomach, the only way I can describe it is as a coffe perculator. My ovaries just feel bubbly and big - feels like I'm making eggs! My next appointment is Monday morning and the nurse said we'd see a huge difference in the egg development and size, so I can't wait to see how things progress over the weekend. Thanks to everyone for the thoughts and prayers and support. It is very much appreciated.

1 comment:

Jeff and Lindsay said...

Wow, such an amazing process! Very interesting to read about... you both are always in our thoughts and prayers,

Linds and Jeff