Sunday, August 3, 2008

Testing and Teaching

So we spent last Wednesday being tested and taught. It was overwhelming to say the least. We went into the appointment knowing there would be daily shots along with frequent blood tests and ultrasounds - boy was that an understatement!!!!

I'll have to have a minimum of 4 shots a day. Later on additional shots and pills will be added. Casey will have to take antibiotics, too. We spent well over an hour with the sweetest nurse ever. We focused on learning and absorbing as much information as possible. I became pretty well educated on IVF in preparation for our first cycle, yet it was still soooooo much information. I'm very fortunate to have Casey be in the line of work that he is. Learning to inject myself on on top of keeping all the meds and injections sites straight would be a lot. After my many rounds of Lupron, Casey is comfortable "shooting me up".

Once the injections begin, I'll have to go in for a blood test and vaginal ultrasound (good times!!!!) every other day. This process will also take place over weekends and holidays. We'll know a day and half before the egg harvesting is scheduled. It should be a 20-30 minute procedure done in the hospital under general anesthesia. C will provide his specimen on this day, too. The rest of the day I will just rest at home. Then 3-5 days after the harvesting, we'll return to the hospital for the actual implantation. This procedure only requires a valium and is suppose to be similar to the mild discomfort felt during a PAP smear. Two to four embryos will be returned to my uterus. After the implantation I'll be on strict bedrest for 3 days. I'm only suppose to leave the bed/couch to go to the restroom. Even bathing and showering is strictly prohibited!!!

The injections will continue even after the implanation. Blood tests will also continue. A pregnancy test will be administered approx 2 weeks after the implantation. I really hope we're successful. Dr. Gill was very clear that he felt we only had one shot at this, given my prior gynecological history.

I really feel good about what our future holds. Even if my pain returns due to the injections, I'll do everything I can to continue with our plan. At least this time, I'll know why I'm hurting and that the pain can ultimately lead to a little Casey Adam running around the house.

Oh to hear the pitter patter of little feet.....

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