Monday, August 4, 2008

The Scan and Eduardo

Today was the appointment for my scan. Not sure why its called that, was really just a vaginal ultrasound to check on my uterus and ovaries. Ummm..... yeah......I think I've already broke the record for number of times the the word "vaginal" has been used in a single blog.

We got good news - everything looks good - no cysts. This means all systems are go!!!! The next minor hurdle is Eduardo....the tropical storm lurking in the Gulf. All of my medications are suppose to be delivered on Wednesday, barring no major incidents due to the nasty weather being predicted.

Once my shots arrive, I'll stop taking the pill and should start my period 3-4 days later. Once I began my cycle, the shots, bloodwork and ultrasound fun will begin.

Its pretty amazing to think there could be a new Turner growing in my belly by the end of the month!!!!


Jennifer said...

Oh my goodness! You are going thru a lot! I had no idea you and Casey were going thru all this! I hope that it all goes as planned and that by next summer, we get to see pics of a cute little mini Erica. Good luck to you both. What are the chances of you having multiples? You are totally going to end up with twins!

Lolly said...

I am so excited for you and Casey. I have already added your link. I am with Jennifer, either twins or triplets. Can't wait to hear more about your journey! We will be thinking about you both. Good luck!

Erica said...

Multiples are a definite possibility. We're by no means looking to be the next "John and Kate Plus 8". Casey and I have both had scary thoughts of the "Turner Tribe" barreling out of a cargo van with a line of toddlers overwhelming!!!
We really just want ONE healthy baby. I'm sure that God will give us what we can handle....I just hope He doesn't think we're strong enough for triplets!!