Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Our Tuesday appointment went very well. After tomorrow's appointment we'll only be going in once a week for an ultrasound and blood work. I know my veins will love the break. I look a heroin addict with track marks due to being stuck so much.
I am happy to say the morning sickness has subsided quite a bit. I'm able to get out of bed and actually function now, whereas a week or two ago I spent at least 45 minutes just trying to stop the room from spinning. I'm still working on eating every 1-1.5 hours to keep the nausea away. This afternoon I wasn't able to eat anything for about 4 hours, it ended up taking about 2 hours to feel better after I finally did eat.
The other day I invented my new favorite snack. We had some leftover guacamole in the fridge and no chips. I thought long and hard about what food I could use in place of a chip. Sure we had pretzels and even some crackers...but what pantry item really caught my fancy? Cherry pop-tarts - the ones that are iced and have sprinkles. Nothing like a warm, sweet, crunchy, toasted pop-tart dipped in cool creamy guacamole. I'm sure you're all gagging - but don't knock it until you try it. I'm telling you its absolute bliss!!! Something tells me the pop-tart company won't be too quick to create this new flavor for mass production, but I'm okay with cooking up my own "Guac-tarts" at home!

1 comment:

jamielblev said...

Okay - that's gross. I'm going to have to bet that you are having a boy and a girl with a mixture of food like that!